Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Total Eclipse of the Heart

I didn't even hear about this beforehand, but, yesterday was apparently the longest solar eclipse of the century. The last total solar eclipse was back in August of 1887.

I was walking to work and I saw tons of people with their phones out pointed at the sky. I didn't pay too much mind to it and forgot about it for a short time. 30 minutes later, though, I noticed a very surreal light outside that looked odd considering it was a very sunny day 10 minutes beforehand. Over 90% of the sun was blocked out for about 5 minutes. I almost blinded myself staring at it... smart, I know.

Korea's next total solar eclipse will be in Pyongyang, North Korea in 2035 but will be impossible to observe because it will occur after sunset.

Thank you, Mrs. Tyler, for being the visionary artist that you were.

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